Justin Church of Christ
424 South Snyder, PO Box 368, Justin, Texas 76247
email jcoctx (at) yahoo dot com
Schedule of Services
Sunday Morning Bible Study – 9:30am
Sunday Morning Assembly – 10:30am
Wednesday Evening Bible Study – 7:00pm
Description of Services
Sunday Morning Bible Study
Bible classes are provided for all ages beginning with our cradle roll. Each class is taught Bible lessons in a manner suited to their age
Last Sunday Pot Luck Meal (January through October)
On the last Sunday of each month, the congregation enjoys a pot luck meal after the morning assembly. Following the meal is a time of singing and a devotional. There is no 6 PM assembly on the last Sunday of the months January through October. In December a New Year’s Eve devotional and meal takes the place of the last Sunday pot luck.
Wednesday Evening Services
Services begin with Bible classes for all ages, as on Sunday mornings. After classes, one of the men of the congregation delivers a devotional lesson.
Last Wednesday Singing
The last Wednesday evening of each month is dedicated to singing praises to God. Everyone enjoys learning new songs and brushing up on old favorites. The young men of the congregation are encouraged to practice song leading and develop their talents. A devotional is given after singing, prayers, and scripture readings.
The Justin church of Christ has been in existence for over 100 years, preaching and teaching the New Testament Gospel. We believe and follow the Bible as our supreme authority as evidenced by what is taught in our Bible classes and from the pulpit. We have supported, and continue to support, various mission programs, hospital ministries, children’s homes and preaching students.