Devotional Articles

Here are devotional articles you can use to the glory of God!


The Gospel and the Pocketbook

Computers and Fake News


The Scars

Declaration of Dependence



Seeking What Jesus Seeks

Asking the Right Question

Bless the Beasts and the Children

Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence

Doing and Not Doing

That’s so First Century!

Is it a Scam?

Merry Christmas


Strong Sincere Disagreements




Ask For Something Big

Sent Away By Grace


Confession Is Hard

Having The Last Word

Open The Door

A Phone Call From God?

Too Much Stuff

Past Performance and Future Results

God Revealed Two Things

Who Could Stand?

Hoof In Mouth Disease

Perfect Love

Jesus’ Family

Extracurricular Activities

Ancient Landmarks

Accepting Our Differences

Not An Acts 2 World

Stay Hydrated!

Ashamed? Not Ashamed?


Equality In Christ

Drawn To Christ



Endure Like Jesus

Anger Issues

Nothing Above The Bible

Destination Or Journey?


No Turkey


A Tribute To Our Older Ladies

Covenant Relationship

Tell What You Know

A Most Profound Experience

Remember Lot’s Wife

Taught By Grace

Real Righteousness

Be Still!


God Hears


Joy Comes In The Morning

Knowledge of God


Faith or Foolishness?


Destruction Or Reward?

Don’t Tell Me, Show Me!

When Spin Becomes Sin

Leaders Lead!

Hiding in plain sight

Just What I Need



Guarding Your Family’s Reputation

Prepare Your Heart

What Do You Say?

Are You Hungry?

Salt Substitutes

Fit For A King

Where Was God?


Take Christ to the World

Josiah: Whole-Hearted Loyalty

Results of Gods Mercy

Who Built Your House?

Pharaoh’s Hardened Heart

True Beauty

Fighting Against The Odds

Whose Interests Are You Seeking?

Final Expenses

Naaman’s Wife’s Servant Girl

God Doesn’t Remember

Faith in the Face of Death: Daniel and his Friends

Samuel’s Faith: Speaking God’s Truth To Power

David’s Faith

Jephthah: Faith Despite Hardships

What Are You Wearing?

Samson: Weak Character, Strong Faith

Barak: Faith Over Fear

Gideon: Growing Faith

A Harlot’s Faith

Faith and the Walls of Jericho

Faith And Joseph’s Bones

Moses: Man of Faith

Parents With Faith

In Everything Give Thanks


Isaac: Blessing By Faith

Sarah: Strengthened By Faith

Abraham: Obedient Faith


Armor of Light


Noah: Saved By Faith

By Faith: Enoch

By Faith: Abel

What Pleases God: Sacrificial Sharing

What Pleases God: Faithful, Accurate, Complete Proclamation of the Word

What Pleases God: Being Spiritually Minded

What Pleases God: Christians Functioning as Members of One Body

What Pleases God: Children Obeying Parents

What Pleases God: Fruitfulness/Growth

What Pleases God_Moral Purity

What Pleases God: Uprightness

What Pleases God: Faith

Superstition And Reality

Not Naked and Not Afraid

Ready Or Not, Here I Come!

Who Is This Jesus?

Has Anyone Heard Of Your Faith And Love?

Remembering 9/11

To Be Great, Serve!

Back To School

To Be Rich, Give!

To be Wise, Become a Fool!

Peace Through Fighting

If You Would Live You Must Die

Victory Through Surrender

Happiness Through Mourning?

An Israelite Indeed

City Dwelling

Open Doors

Your Soul’s Value


Sesame Street

Love The Sinner


Tempting Fate?

He Is Risen

Was This Necessary? (The Brutality of Jesus’ Death)

Accept No Substitutes


Requirements For Admission

Spring Planting



To Judge or Not to Judge

Talking the Talk and Walking the Walk

Iron Chariots

More Than Just Being Good

Spiritual Maturity: Working Toward Unity


Spiritual Maturity: Loving and Being Loved

Spiritual Maturity: Controlling The Tongue

Jesus Wept


Spiritual Maturity: Patiently Enduring Trials

What We’ve GotĀ  Here Is A Failure To Communicate!

Spiritual Maturity: Leaving the Past Behind

Spiritual Maturity: Recognizing the Wisdom of the Gospel

Spiritual Maturity: A Well-Equipped, Christ-like Servant

Spiritual Maturity


Fearfully And Wonderfully Made

Trusting God When You Don’t Understand

Is Blood Thicker Than Water?

The Golden Rule


Who are you staring at?

Thoughts And Prayers

Where are the Ittais

Afraid of the Light

Are You My Friend? Really?

Humble Yourself

A Good Name

Ill-Gotten Gain (devotional)

The Walking Dead (Devotional)

True Heroes (devotional)

Reverence and Love (devotional)

Wisdom: God’s Apprentice (devotional)

Accord or Discord? (devotional)

Off To Work! (devotional)

Memorize! (devotional)

Being Merciful and Faithful (devotional)

Just Say “No!” (Devotional)

This Jesus (devotional)

Acquire and Apply Wisdom (devotional)

Profiting From Proverbs (devotional)

Moderation (devotional)

I Am Not A Robot!

The Apple Of His Eye (devotional)

Highly Unlikely Versus Absolutely Certain (devotional)

The Critical Need of God’s Presence (devotional)

The Blessedness of Perseverance (devotional)

The Blessedness of Trusting and Hoping in the Lord (devotional)

The Blessedness of Faithful Obedience (devotional)

The Blessedness of Wisdom (devotional)

The Blessedness of Becoming Like God (devotional)

The Blessedness of Divine Discipline and Teaching (devotional)

The Blessedness of Humble Worship (devotional)

The Greatest Blessing (devotional)

The Blessedness of Trusting in the Lord (devotional)

Hanukkah (devotional)

The Blessedness of Being Forgiven (devotional)

Wasted Time (devotional)

True Happiness (devotional)

Here We Go Again! (devotional re: church shootings)

Thankful For Faith, Hope, and Love (devotional)

Sons of God in Christ Jesus (devotional)

Sons of God by means of The Faith (devotional)

Not Just Children, But Sons (devotional)

All Sons of God (devotional)

Reflect, Don’t Block! (devotional)

Remember the Poor (devotional)

Good News From Other Places (devotional)

Who Are You Trying To Please? (devotional)

Who Does All This? (devotional)

He Sat Down (devotional)

What People Say And What God Says (devotional)

Doing It Yourself (devotional)

Sowing And Reaping (devotional)

What Are You Good For? (devotional)

Jesus and the Fruit of the Spirit: Self-Control (devotional)

Jesus and the Fruit of the Spirit: Meekness (devotional)

Jesus and the Fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness (devotional)

Jesus and the Fruit of the Spirit: Goodness (devotional)

Jesus and the Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness (devotional)

Jesus: My Atonement Offering (devotional)

Jesus and the Fruit of the Spirit: Longsuffering (devotional)

Jesus and the Fruit of the Spirit: Peace (devotional)

Jesus and the Fruit of the Spirit: Joy (devotional)

Jesus and the Fruit of the Spirit: Love (devotional)

What Sort Of Man Is This? #4 (devotional)

What Sort Of Man Is This? #3 (devotional)

What Sort Of Man Is This? #2 (devotional)

What Sort Of Man Is This? (devotional)

It’s What You Do (Devotional)

What A Might God We Serve! (devotional)

When Holidays Aren’t Happy (devotional)

Unintended Consequences (devotional)

Reach Out And Touch Someone (devotional)

Love: Key To Obedience (devotional)

Jumping To Conclusions (devotional)

Is It Lawful? (devotional)

Fake News (devotional)

1000 Years Left!

Walking By Faith

Answers To Prayer

Ask What You Can Do For The Church

Giving Thanks To God

Endangered Children

A Heart For God

A Proud Father

Are You For Real?

Beulah Land

Beware The Bandwagon!

Blood Donation

But I’ve Already Been Baptized-1

But I’ve Already Been Baptized-2

But I’ve Already Been Baptized-3

Carnal And Spiritual

Christ For The World


Dealing With Anger

Defending Your Hope

Don’t Fix It

Don’t Follow The Crowd

Don’t Be A Demas

God’s Amazing Grace

Good Days And Bad Days


Harvest Time

He Restores My Soul

Hey! We’re Not Praying!

The Hospitality Of God

How Much Do You Love Me?

I Have Sinned!

I Shall Not Want

I Will Fear No Evil

I’m Only Human!

In Favor Of Arguing

Influencing Others Evangelistically

Instant Gratification

It’s JustYou And Me Lord

Jesus: Alpha And Omega


Keeping The Faith

Kicking Against The Goads

Know Love That Surpasses Knowledge

Learning And Doing

Led In Paths Of Righteousness

Let’s Eat!

Let’s Get To Work!

Lie Down In Green Pastures

Little Things

Love Is What The World Needs

Love The Lord And Teach Your Children

Mimic Me

Night With Ebon Pinion

Not Love Men’s Praises

Not Love Money

Not Love Pleasure

Not Love Power And Preeminence

Not Love This Present World

Not Love Sleep

Not Love The World

Not Who But What

Paths Of Righteousness

Preparing For Retirement


Pursue Edification

Pursue Faith

Pursue Godliness

Pursue Holiness

Pursue Hospitality

Pursue Love

Pursue Meekness

Pursue Patience

Pursue Peace

Pursue Righteousness

Pursue The Prize

Pursue What Is Good

Pursued By Goodness And Mercy

Questions Everyone Asks

Raise Your Ebenezer

Righteousness, Not Self-righteousness

Rod And Staff





Sing And Be Happy


So I Said To The Judge

The Lord Is My Shepherd

The Milk Of Human Kindness

Those Crazy Christians

Thoughts Words Deeds

Three Courts

Unity Among The People Of God

Unpleasant Tasks

Vestigial Organs


WhatGood Am I?

What Is A Christian To Do?

What’s In Your Heart?

Work, For The Night Is Coming



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Author: jslater

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