Here you will find articles from our bulletins.
Feel free to use them to the glory of God!
Thoughts on Threescore and Ten
How Much Does Being a Christian Cost?
The Reason It’s Right Or Wrong
Calling on the Name of the Lord
What Christians Ask Others to Believe
If You Don’t Ask, Then The Answer Is No
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
Whose Feet Would You Not Wash?
Must You Tell Everything You Know?
Deliberately Avoiding The Limelight
Another Look At The Woman At The Well
Making Improvements To The Church
It’s Called The World For A Reason
Do You Take The Bible Literally?
Which Soil Describes Your Heart?
How Much Does Your Hair Weigh?
Love Doesn’t Rejoice In Unrighteousness
Focus On God’s House, Not Yours
Christ, Christians. And Craziness
The Shroud Of Turin and Other “Relics”
Walking Before. After. And With God
Who Has Despised The Day Of Small Things?
Pathetic Priests, Princes, and Prophets
Doesn’t God Want Me To Be Happy?
The Bible’s Very Words Are Inspired
Zacchaeus: Overcoming Obstacles
I Just Can’t Understand The Bible!
God’s Use Of Water In Salvation
Jonah: A Fish Story? Does It Matter? #2
Jonah: A Fish Story? Does It Matter?
Following the Pattern in the New Year
Does It Make Any Difference? (3)
Does It Make Any Difference? (2)
You Can Prove Anything By The Bible
Does The End Justify The Means?
Reaching Out To Religious People
What About Those Who Don’t Know?
Self-Deception: Sowing & Reaping
Self-Deception: Worldly Wisdom
Self-Deception: Unbridled Speech
Self-Deception: Hearing Without Doing
Follow Jesus: Salvation Depends On It
Follow Jesus: He Spoke God’s Words
Follow Jesus: Certify That God Is True
Follow Jesus: He Has Been There
What Will You Do With Jesus? #7
What Will You Do With Jesus? #6
What Will You Do With Jesus? #5
What Will You Do With Jesus? #4
What Will You Do With Jesus? #3
What Will You Do With Jesus? #2
Human Suffering and God’s Wrath
Does Love Bear All Things Or Bare All Things?
Gird Up The Loins Of Your Mind!
What Do You Want For Your Children?
Son of Jesus, or Son of the Devil?
Seeking God’s Kingdom And Righteousness
What If You Received An Invitation Like This?
Is God For You Or AgainstĀ You?
God’s Tested, Pure, Complete Word
Right Conclusion, Wrong Scripture
Let’s Go For A Walk (2)
Let’s Go For A Walk
Deceitful Pride
The Bible In English
How Quickly We Forget!
Self-Imposed Famine
The Trouble with Truth
Righteousness, not Ritualism!
Seek Me And Live!
Prepare to Meet Your God!
Did Jonah Finally Get It? Do We?
Honor Your Mother!
Identifying What’s Important
Jezreel: God Scatters, God Sows
Christ In You, The Hope Of Glory
Redeemed! How I Love To Proclaim It!
Truth, Mercy, and Knowledge of God
Jesus the Baby and Jesus the Adult
Valley of Trouble, Door of Hope
Where Are You? (And Other Questions)
Two False, Dangerous Theories About Creation
Thankful For Faith, Hope, And Love
Rebels, Redemption, And The Remnant
What Does That Have To Do With Jesus Hanging On A Cross?
Mock, Delay, or Trust and Obey
Characteristics of a Growing Church
Fruit, Sticks, and other “Little” Things
Then And Now, Why And How (#1)
Please The People or Serve The Savior?
Baptism: Death, Burial, Resurrection
Is Matthew 24 Knocking At The Door?
The Bible: Endangered Species!
Saved On The Road To Damascus?
Speak, Lord, For Your Servant Hears!
Love The Lord And Teach Your Kids
Salvation, Grace, Faith, And Works
In The World But Not Of The World
Without Murmuring And Disputing
Dear Joe:
Assuming you are the Joe Slater who was converted to Christ in Limon, Colorado mumbly-mumbly years ago, and that George was your brother, greetings from the Black Hills of South Dakota!
I was reminded of you when the weekly bulletin of the Cortez congregation (Cortez, Colorado – Four Corners) this week published an article with your byline. My family and I were members of that congregation years ago, and we maintain contact with them, especially since much of our work is there in the Four Corners.
We also keep touch with both Limon and Flagler congregations – especially the Fishers and the Metcalfs. We often tell brothers and sisters about the congregation that has a bar and pool tables in their meetinghouse!
We are, like you, getting up in years but still strong in the Lord and other ways. We are with the Southside congregation in Rapid City, SD, a growing congregation of about 40 members and an amazing 25 children! Debby and I have been married for 42 years, have two sons, two daughters by marriage, and five grandchildren from 9 down to 1. All of our children are faithful, and all teach (the sons preach now and then, as well). All things considered, we are very blessed.
Please let me know how you and your family and the congregation there are doing. I am, of course, going to mine your website for ideas and studies and articles! Be warned!